Declo Cemetery Contact Information

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Darla Young
Gene Fries
Declo City Office
(208) 654-2124
Printed materials available at the Declo City Office or the Declo Family History Library

Information contained within these pages for the Declo City Cemetery was taken originally from obituary data collected by Rose Thornton who has been a resident of Declo City since 1948.  Additional records were extracted and verified where possible from newspaper obituaries, from the headstones within the Cemetery, with official records maintained by Declo City; and from a book “Declo My Town – My People” published 1974, (this book has stories of “People” that lived and where living in Declo, Idaho at the time).

Web page development was facilitated by the 2005-2006 Declo High School Web Design class. Ben Firkins, Elissa Call, and Logan Boyd were the main designers. Headstone pictures were provided by Leland Lewis.

Every effort has been taken to insure the data contained within is correct but we know there are probably mistakes - which we ask your forgiveness for. If you find erroneous data please contact Darla Young e-mail .  Please include supporting documentation for the corrections.